Since, its inception, NewTown Macon has operated on a five-year capital campaign model for growth and sustainability. With each campaign, NewTown researches, measures, and evaluates benchmarks to streamline our efforts and priorities in five year increments. NewTown launches campaigns with the main priority to leverage massive economic and cultural benefits for our entire region by converting latent potential into a tangible reality. Capital campaigns allow NewTown to create a self-sustaining infrastructure to support downtown as an economic engine and cultural hub for all of Central Georgia.
Building on Progress Campaign
After twenty years of leading the charge for a completely revitalized urban core, NewTown plans to continue to build an economic empire in downtown Macon. This work is desirable, necessary, and possible with the commencement of our new five-year capital campaign, Building on Progress.
Focused on the Future Campaign
NewTown hired the Middle Georgia Regional Commission to assess downtown's strengths and opportunities, analyze the capacity of partner organizations to manage revitalization projects, and solicit community feedback on downtown's future. The process resulted in an exciting new strategic direction. This plan focused on a block-by-block approach to adding residents and businesses and creative ways of leveraging capital to reinvigorate downtown's revitalization.
Welcome Home Campaign
The Welcome Home campaign sought to aggressively promote the historical beauty and reputation of Macon. Through a host of initiatives and a cohesive plan, NewTown looked to combine several facets of Macon's current infrastructure, tourism, and old town charm with a modern agenda of growth.
Community Challenge Campaign
In 1999, NewTown Macon launched the Community Challenge Campaign with $6 million in challenge grants from the Peyton Anderson and Robert W. Woodruff foundations. In 2002, NewTown completed the unprecedented $36 million campaign, with $14 million from the private sector and $22 million in pledges from public agencies, and the organization also began a record investment in downtown revitalization projects.